Privacy Policy

At Fusion75, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting it. The below policy outlines and manages how we collect, store, and use your information.

Collection of Data

Website Visitors

Fusion75 uses third-party services like Google Analytics to analyze standard web log information of users who visit the website. This information is anonymous and is used strictly for the purpose of examining behavior on the website for optimization purposes. Anonymous demographic and geographic data is also collected by Google Analytics, but this information is not unique to you, nor is it personally linked to you.

Voluntarily-Provided Information

No personally-identifiable information (PII) is collected by and stored in Google Analytics. Any PII collected on the website is voluntarily provided by you and never sold or shared with any third parties. Fusion75 will always be clear in specifying the reason for requesting any PII. The only PII collected by us must be voluntarily provided by you in a form. This information may include name, email address, company, occupation/title, and telephone number.

Use of PII

Fusion75 may contact you from time-to-time using the information you provided in order to share recent updates or provide information that may be relevant to you. Your information is also used to fulfill scope, customize, and deliver the solutions for which you contacted Fusion75. Fusion75 does not sell, disclose, or otherwise share your PII with third parties. We do not use your information for any purpose other than the purpose stated when it was requested.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small text files that a website uses to store information about you on your computer, if you allow your web browser to do so. Cookies do not run programs, nor do they contain viruses and malware. We use cookies to in aggregate to inform us about site traffic and on-site behavior so that we are able to provide an optimized user experience on our website.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Fusion75 encourages you to review this policy occasionally as we may make revisions in order to comply with updated legal standards and customer feedback. The privacy policy will remain on this page ( for you to see.

Contact Us

If you have any further questions regarding this privacy policy, or you want us to delete or change any information that you previously provided to us, please email us at